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Source: NLTK :: Natural Language Toolkit

Stop words: 

words such as “what” or “the” won’t have any predicting power since they will presumably be common to all the documents. For this reason, they may represent noise that can be eliminated. We have downloaded a list of English stop words from the nltk package and then deleted them from the corpus.

The following tutorial about text classification is worth reading.

NLTK POS Tags Examples are as below:

CCcoordinating conjunction
CDcardinal digit
EXexistential there
FWforeign word
INpreposition/subordinating conjunction
JJThis NLTK POS Tag is an adjective (large)
JJRadjective, comparative (larger)
JJSadjective, superlative (largest)
LSlist market
MDmodal (could, will)
NNnoun, singular (cat, tree)
NNSnoun plural (desks)
NNPproper noun, singular (sarah)
NNPSproper noun, plural (indians or americans)
PDTpredeterminer (all, both, half)
POSpossessive ending (parent\ ‘s)
PRPpersonal pronoun (hers, herself, him, himself)
PRP$possessive pronoun (her, his, mine, my, our )
RBadverb (occasionally, swiftly)
RBRadverb, comparative (greater)
RBSadverb, superlative (biggest)
RPparticle (about)
TOinfinite marker (to)
UHinterjection (goodbye)
VBverb (ask)
VBGverb gerund (judging)
VBDverb past tense (pleaded)
VBNverb past participle (reunified)
VBPverb, present tense not 3rd person singular(wrap)
VBZverb, present tense with 3rd person singular (bases)
WDTwh-determiner (that, what)
WPwh- pronoun (who)
WRBwh- adverb (how)

The above NLTK POS tag list contains all the NLTK POS Tags. NLTK POS tagger is used to assign grammatical information of each word of the sentence. Installing, Importing and downloading all the packages of POS NLTK is complete.