1. Connect a Reliable Power Supply

One thing you need to make sure with any Raspberry Pi setup is that you’re using a reliable power supply. The Raspberry Pi 3 (which is the best solution for desktop use) requires a micro-USB power connector. Ideally this should be connected to a power supply adapter with a 2.5A capacity.

While it may seem more convenient to connect the Pi directly to a USB port on your power bar, or to use your smartphone charger, these deliver unreliable results.

Consider this: You’re using the Pi for desktop work, internet, email, office tasks. Some programming. You don’t want the computer to suddenly freeze or shut down because you’re asking too much of it. Avoid this by ensuring the power supply is up to specification, and reliable. You’ll find a 5V 2.5A power supply is more than powerful enough.

2. Employ a Lightweight Operating System

Once your power requirements are sorted out, you’ll need to install a distro that uses as few resources as possible. Pushing performance on your Raspberry Pi means keeping things to a minimum, and several Linux operating systems (distributions or distros) have been developed with this purpose in mind.

3. Ditch the Bloatware

Running out of space on your Raspberry Pi? You can reclaim almost a full gigabyte of storage on your microSD card by removing some of the preinstalled software. You know those tools you never use?

For instance, while the Raspberry Pi 3 and later is suitable for use as a desktop, you might not need that functionality. So the presence of LibreOffice may seem utterly pointless. Ready to save 250MB?

Open a terminal window and enter:

sudo apt purge libreoffice*
sudo apt clean
sudo apt autoremove
