RFID Regulations | How RFID is regulated worldwide
RF signals (waves) travel almost forever and pass through many solid materials (though their strength does get reduced due to path loss and absorption). Therefore, they cannot be easily contained…
RFID, Software Development and Physical Security
RF signals (waves) travel almost forever and pass through many solid materials (though their strength does get reduced due to path loss and absorption). Therefore, they cannot be easily contained…
17 Best Alternatives to Linkedin for professional Networking February 16, 2022 By Madhuparna 20 Best Alternatives to LinkedIn : – When we talk of creating professional connections the first name that pops up in our…
Last updated on June 23rd, 2022 at 03:11 pm There is plenty of networking websites like Quora and social networks like Facebook and Twitter. But when it comes to professional networking, the…
NCC (台灣認證) 語言: 繁體中文 國家通訊傳播委員會National Communications Commission (英文縮寫為NCC,前身為交通部電信總局)一直代表我國積極參與亞太經合會(Asian Pacific Economic Committee)所推動之APEC TEL MRA 相關活動,且最早參與『第一階段相互承認檢測實驗室和相互接受檢測報告程序』的國家之一。NCC為協助國內通訊業者及建構國內認/驗證良好環境,修改電信相關法規,並自91年1月1日起,開啟民間機構從事產品驗證發證業務。壹、試驗類別及項目有:電信終端設備產品-分為三類 公眾交換電話網路設備(PSTN)有線電話機(含VOIP網路電話)、自動報警設備、電話答錄機、傳真機、電傳打字機、遙控裝置、有線電話無線主副機、用戶自備專用交換機、按鍵電話系統、電腦電話整合設備、數據設備(ADSL終端設備及分歧器)、來話顯示終端設備、2.4GHz射頻電信終端設備、DS1/T1/E1終端設備等。 陸地行動通信網路設備(PLMN)無線電叫人系統終端設備 、行動數據終端設備 、中繼式無線電話機 、GSM行動電話機暨終端設備 、DCS1800行動電話機暨終端設備 、第三代行動通信終端設備 。 整體服務數位網路(ISDN)ISDN數位電話機 、ISDN個人電腦附加卡 、ISDN G4傳真機 、ISDN影像電話機 、ISDN終端配接器 、ISDN終端配接器模組 、ISDN PABX…