How To Manage Logfiles with Logrotate on Ubuntu 16.04 | DigitalOcean
Logrotate is a system utility that manages the automatic rotation and compression of log files. If log files were not rotated, compressed, and periodically pruned, they could eventually consume all…
What is 4G LTE Frequency & Band of Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint?
This is the most common question we get asked from people confused about the different major carrier cell frequencies and bands of 4G LTE services in USA. Different mobile service…
Cheat sheet: which 4G LTE bands do AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint use in the USA? – PhoneArena
What are the 4G LTE bands supported by AT&T? Do they differ from the 4G LTE bands that T-Mobile uses? And what about Verizon Wireless massive 4G LTE network and…
Using Python Module Selenium for Scraping Products on Taobao
今天写的是通过使用Selenium模拟浏览器爬取淘宝内容模拟的浏览器是Chrome(我使用的pyCharm现在好像用不了phantomJS),要通过Chrome模拟登录首先得安装一个Chromedriver,安装过程就不在具体赘述,自行百度一下,… Source: 用Selenium模拟浏览器爬取淘宝内容 – 知乎
Getting Started: REST API | LinkedIn Developer Network
Source: Getting Started: REST API | LinkedIn Developer Network
Use GitHub for project management of systems developed
Putting your existing work on GitHub can let you share and collaborate in lots of great ways. Source: Adding an existing project to GitHub using the command line – GitHub…
Odoo ERP系統導入 解決方案
IPRO 成為 Odoo 台灣地區 ERP 系統導入顧問合作夥伴多年, 提供 Odoo ERP 系統導入專業技術顧問服務, 熟悉Odoo系統架構、原始功能模組與各類擴充功能模組。 可依據顧客的行業別、營運特質、作業項目等特性, 協助規劃合適的系統導入計畫。 結合擴充功能模組, 依據預算範圍, 調教建置最佳 Odoo ERP 系統, 發揮最大效益與價值。 Source: Odoo ERP系統導入 解決方案
BBU30 迷你掌上型藍芽通訊 UHF RFID 讀取器
BBU30 是一支掌上迷你型 UHF RFID 讀寫器 – 輕便攜帶, USB 介面 與 Bluetooth 2.1+ EDR 介面 Source: BBU30 迷你掌上型藍芽通訊 UHF RFID 讀取器