Take Odoo as an example for Docker Explained
Source: Odoo – Official Image | Docker Hub
RFID, Software Development and Physical Security
Source: Odoo – Official Image | Docker Hub
For some reasons, this project requires multiple versions of Odoo on a single machine. This project works on Ubuntu 20 with Python 3 and Odoo 12 above. Other combination of…
Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu Estimated reading time: 10 minutes Docker Desktop for Linux Docker Desktop helps you build, share, and run containers easily on Mac and Windows as you…
Key Steps: add-apt-repository universe; apt update & upgrade create odoo system user create postgresql system user apt install postgresql create user in postgresql, i.e. odoo install basic software python 3+…
Odoo database migration will depend on your version moves. They are different. And the migration can only be taken one version up each time. Do these in odoo 13 production…
Prerequisites # Make sure that you have met the following prerequisites before continuing with this tutorial: You have Odoo installed, if not you can find the instructions here You have a domain…
Source: How To Install Odoo on Ubuntu 20.04 with Docker | DigitalOcean
pandas.DataFrame.iterrows DataFrame.iterrows()[source] Iterate over DataFrame rows as (index, Series) pairs. Yields indexlabel or tuple of label The index of the row. A tuple for a MultiIndex. dataSeries The data of the…
Financial Report is a statement that discloses an organization’s financial state to the management, investors, and the government. Odoo ERP is self-reliant in generating financial reports in the real-time. The…
Sometimes we don’t want using the GUI to manage thousands of products in Magento. Instead we want do it using PHP scripts, this will automate the task and create unlimited…